Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Go Green or Go Home

The sky is falling! That's what many people think when they hear about global warming and the consequences that come along with the melting polar icecaps. There are many ways that global warming affects the planet. Not only are the temperatures rising, out natural resources may become extinct due to the carelessness of our forefathers and ourselves. The population has taken actions to reverse the affects of global warming. Have you heard the phrase "Go Green"? This phrase is taking America by storm. As a population we are taking a stand to conserve our planets natural resources. Those action include buying Eco-friendly clothing,vintage clothing and recycled fashions.

Many local clothing lines have created what we call "green" clothing. This clothing is made from organic materials. The cotton in a t-shirt may be made from cotton that uses no pesticides in its harvesting techniques. A study done by Worldwatch Institute suggest that a cotton T-shirt blend with polyester can release approximately one quarter of its weight in air pollutants and 10 times its weight in carbon dioxide. There is also very ow no dye substances in the clothing. The less dye that is used in the fabrics means fewer amounts of chemicals disposed of. The dye that is typically used is disposed of can absorb into the soil.

People who are committed to helping the environment also buy vintage clothing. These clothes are not new, but they have a lot of wear left in them. In some cases, the clothes that are from earlier decades come back in style and many people prefer the vintage clothing over the new lines of clothing. Not only does vintage clothing look nice, they are a good price. Most used clothing is a fraction of the cost compared to a new shirt. Buying vintage clothing does not require any type of natural resource waste. We are simply using what we already have.

Recycled clothing has become very popular within that last couple of years. There have not been many large retailers that have used the recycled clothing method. Recycled clothing in clothing that is made up plastic bottles, used cotton t-shirts, and other recycled goods. A retailer that specializes in recycled plastic fabrics is Ecospun. Ecospun is a fabric that resembles polyester, but is made of recycled plastic bottles. The Ecospun fabric can also be incorporate into fabrics such as wool and cotton.

Like many other countries around the world, we are trying to take a stand against global warming. Eco-friendly clothing, vintage clothing, and recycled clothing are all big help to the ecosystem. If we can find a way to incorporate fashion with major clothing. I believe we could make a difference in the world. There may not be a massive relief to global warming, but we may be able to save the Earth one t-shirt at a time.

Anthony Elias Espinoza 2009


  1. Who edited this??
    " 1) If we can find a way to incorporate fashion with major clothing. I believe we could make a difference in the world. 2) There may not be a massive relief to global warming, but we may be able to save the earth 3) on t-shirt at a time."

    1) Isn't complete sentence, just like that wasn't a complete sentence.
    2) There, or this, may not be ...
    3) On, or one t-shirt?

    Not saying, just saying.

  2. I'm not too terribly surprised that you don't let anything get by without approval.
