Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Back To School: January 20, 2009

Why is that everytime you start over or start something new you feel so refreshed and new?

Well, this time with this quarter it's very much different than most other times I was in school.
I have two jobs and I am still in school. WOW! Never before could this have happened. I guess to an extent cutting people from my life and worrying about nobody but myself is good right?

So yeah, for the most part i kind of feel important with something on my shoulders, before I was just a no one. I was in the same category as those who don't work or live off of their parents, but not this time. I have decided to separate myself from those people and category. I feel really excited for the new year, school, and my jobs because it's never been this good. Let's just hope when Nelly Furtado's song "ALL GOOD THINGS COME TO AN END" isn't correct in this instance! I am hopeful and will remain so as long as i can breathe, like I said in an earlier blog, I am ready for change.

With OBAMA now in the White House anything is possible really. When Martin Luther King Jr. said "I have a dream" most people didn't really think twice about what he said, but that's why one reason I believe in dreams and you can never dream to big. My mother always told me I dream to big and that I will never go nowhere, well time for me to do things for me. I dont care what anyone says about me or thinks because at the end of the night I only have to answer to me and GOD. Oh yeah, and my father who passed away in 1993 R.I.P. he's watching over me as we speak. <3

My classes this quarter I thought were going to be TEXTILES and SPEECH, but I guess I was wrong, they must have changed it somewhere along the lines of something and i ended up with FUNDAMENTALS of ADVERTISING, which im way more excited about. The only thing now that I have to worry about is MONEY for my textbooks and supplies, so I guess getting two new jobs didnt do too much for me only get me what I need. EH? Oh the way the world works these days.

Another thing I have noticed is that the people who used to communicate with me have kind of withdrawn from it, and you know what i dont feel sad about it because I don't need people taking up my time or space. This quarter I'm not worried about who thinks I'm cool, who likes me, who wants me, what everyone else is doing, where they are going; I'm only concerned on where I'm going, what I'm doing, how I'm doing, and supporting myself. BAI!!!!

Anthony Elias Espinoza 2009

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