Monday, August 17, 2009

On Point

Life is one big puzzle piece whom's carefully cut corners need to become one with an intelligent precision. I just choose to put pieces wherever I feel they belong even is the corners don't meet one another, who said things had to go according to plan. I live my life with no absolute rules, which sets everyone else apart; I don't agree with things being cookie cut and/ or symmetrical. I live my life with no balance. I enjoy the asymmetrical way of living, where things don't have to look right, are out of place, look haggard, and seen unordinary and awkward to the "simple minded" eye. I call these the one's who either don't care for the arts, appreciate the arts, are uneducated of the arts, or unaware to what life's really about. Sometimes a little change of the surroundings and heart can never hurt, how else are we supposed to determine if we are either existing in life like a stone or we are actually living and doing in the world. Nothing is certain so I say change it up and try something else, you might actually like the change. There is no manual to life's clutches and whirlwinds that seem to only get worse or better, never being in the middle playing a part in the symmetry world of the plain, ordinary, zombies that walk the streets.

People shouldn't think just because someone is different that they should be pushed aside and ignored, rather than turning to turning to conscious arrogance, one should embrace such behavior wholeheartedly. Life is short, so live your life with purpose, whatever it is that suits you best; no one can tell you your daily routine so think up a plan, be the flow and stop going with the flow. Nobody likes a boring person. When I hear somebody say that they are bored I can't help but go back to what I was told about, "only boring people get bored". This is a valid statement because there is so much in the world to experience so don't limit yourself. There's a wonder out there calling your name waiting to be born into the constant being we call the world. This is like the "domino effect"; it only takes one great idea to be part out into the universe, this idea could possibly lead to another and another, which can be used to continue the ongoing cycle. Life should be about possibilites and not about limitations, "now it's just too late and we can't go back I'm sorry I can't be perfect," you should be more worried about evolving into something greater, rather than trying to fins the loopholes and thinking up a storm of ways to get out taking the fast track.

It's saddening to see the vulnerable and weak minded lose sight and hope of the beautiful thing called life. For some people the daily deed is unbearable and impossible to group tight enough to ride it our, while others fear opening up their eyes to the many sides of life. Without good there would be no bad, black no white, right no wrong; without chaos and confusion, things would be mechanical and robot like, but I suppose there are those out there who enjoy such a thing. I'm not one to judge nor should you be. Let's all just let people be.

Anthony Elias Espinoza 2009

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