Faux Fawaz Ent. Presents: Little Red Radio
By: Anthony Leroux
Leroux: How did you come up with the name Little Red Radio?
LRR- After a few other names.. it came down to "Little Red Stereo" and "Little Red Radio".. and the "Little Red Radio" flows much better.
Leroux: Who would you say is the most fun during an actual show on stage?? Offstage? In bed?
LRR- We are all equally fun on and off stage.
Leroux: Do you guys have any nicknames for each other? How did they come about?
LRR- We all have nicknames but they change throughout the time of being with each other. The names come about because of who we are as individuals and some just making fun of each other.. just to have a good laugh.
Leroux: What is your favorite food to eat? Favorite restaurant?
LRR- chicken...
Leroux: Do you have any rituals you partake in before going onstage? Offstage?
LRR- drink aaaand drink.. haha. We like to just get loose and have a blast on and off stage.
Leroux: Can you tell me what show hit for you and made you realize that you are actually a band? Why?
LRR- Our first show as a full band at the Silverlake Lounge here in the Hollywood/Silverlake area. The show was on June 3, 2008.
Leroux: Do you have any fears? What are they?
LRR- Lara looooves cockroaches..
Leroux: Paper or plastic?
LRR- whatever is easiest, but are you asking if we are echo-friendly? Yes as best we can.
Leroux: What is it like being the only girl in the band? Would you have it any other way?
LRR- Fun and no way. It's perfect.
Leroux: What's in store for LRR in the future? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
LRR- New songs and an EP. Tons of touring and playing shows! We love the live feel and having a blast with our fans, friends and family. In 5 years we hope to be as big as we can in regards to living "the dream" with a great team behind us and being able to successfully tour the world and having a blast with all our fans at our shows.
Leroux: What does your family think of what you are doing musically? Are they for it? Against it? Don't care?
LRR- All of our families are very proud and excited for us. And we are all very lucky to have such a great support system around what we are doing with all of our families and friends.
Leroux: Where would you like to play a show next? Which artist would you want to work it in the studio? Which onstage?
LRR- Anywhere Europe, and because we are 4 completely different musicians/people (thats what makes us who we are as Little Red Radio) and what we all "love" as artists, that's a hard question to answer.. Black Eyed Peas in the studio and on stage for sure.. but not limited to. there are a few hundred bands/artists we would love to work with!
Leroux: Would you call yourselves more of a family or just good friends?
LRR- Both!
Leroux: Do you guys fight/ fuss/ argue often? What usually starts it? Who is to blame for it?
LRR- Any band that doesn't fuss in certain aspects, isn't growing as a band.
Leroux: What is your favorite cocktail to drink?
LRR- Red Bull/Vodka Eli James - Water over ice. haha
Leroux: How does playing in Arizona compare to playing in LA? What did you think of the night June 18 with Larry Tee?
LRR- Amazing people in Arizona for sure and very fun! The night with Larry Tee was a blast and we hope to do it again soon.
Leroux: Who is the most fun in the group? The smart one? The sexual one? The sexiest one?
LRR- We all have our moments! But the best thing we can say is to come see us perform. Then you decide.
LRR consist of:
Jason Spallino ::: Vocals
Lara Anderson ::: Vocals
Jason Bradley ::: KeyBoard/Guitar/Programmer
Eli James ::: Drums/Programmer
For more information on Little Red Radio check out their Myspace & Facebook
Anthony Leroux
July 2010